BEST DAY EVER Finding My Way

by D. Adam Goldberg

Paperback / $14.95 / isbn: 978-1-58790-187-4 / 288 pages / 6” x 9”



The author Adam Goldberg strains to understand  his  relationship with his father. As he reviews their history during a phone conversation with him, he experiences an epiphany that illumines his vision of his dad. Rather than compounding his father’s failures, Adam’s enlightened awareness enables him to recognize and appreciate his father’s attributes.


This intuition multiplied and led to inspired observations about truths to be found in common life challenges and answers to such questions as,  “What do you get out of not enjoying your work?” And, “Does it make you happy to think that way?” These expanded reflections, and an examination of the circumstances and situations that provoked them, compelled the writing of this book. The author tells us, “I quit a great job to write this book.” We should all be glad that he did.


Adam Goldberg enjoyed his young life in Santa Cruz where he garnered every athletic award available. He was gifted with smooth moves and great sports sense. Many a fan looked forward to watching him perform on field and court. His hopes for a professional athletic career ended at San Jose State where he experienced a severe shoulder injury, but he continued to enjoy sports passionately with friends and associates.

 Adam began selling autos. When he learned he could double his wages in the RV field, he swiftly changed positions and began what became his life-long career. He quickly became sales manager, usually supervising salesmen 10 years his senior. Wherever he worked, sales climbed, virtually doubling every year. He was so admired and loved by his fellow workers that, when he left one position, all 22 of his sales people interviewed for the new job wanted to go with him.


