THE COED MURDER CLUB An R. C. Bean Mystery Novel

by Ken Salter

paperback / $14.95  / ISBN: 978-1-58790-417-2 / 212 pages  / 5.5” x 8.5”

Murder Mystery / African-American Detectives / Noir Genre


 Mindy Rohnert is bored while studying for an exam. She accepts an offer to have a drink from a good-looking fellow she meets in the university library. She has a good time knocking back a few beers with her new friend and his companions at a local watering hole near campus.

Feeling comfortable and safe with her new friends, she drinks too much and allows herself to be driven to a secluded house in the hills where she meets two more friends of her new acquaintance. Mindy loves the charades and contests she plays with her three new companions. Unwisely, she continues to drink with them until she passes out.

When she regains consciousness, her new acquaintances are stimulating her sexually. She is unable to resist their advances. Have they seduced her cleverly or was she forcibly raped? The police refuse to find the men who gang-banged her and infected her with the H.I.V. virus because it’s a weak case to prosecute. Mindy expects detective R. C. Bean to find the men who abused her and bring them to justice.

Thus begins a dangerous hunt for a diabolic group of sadists who prey on naïve and susceptible college coeds. As R. C. Bean unravels the nefarious motives and identities of the murder club members, he and the dazzling women he employs to entrap the sadists become the club’s new targets.

The sensational plot is riveting and full of bedazzling twists and surprises. This fast-paced, hard-boiled thriller will keep the pages flying faster than a roller-coaster ride and the reader screaming for more.



Ken Salter is a Bay Area native who earned his degrees at U.C. Berkeley. After graduating from Boalt Hall, U.C.’s law school, he directed an undergraduate writing program at Cal for several years. He is professor emeritus in Communication Studies at San Jose State University where he taught persuasive writing and critical thinking courses. He also prcticed law in Berkeley, California. He is the author of several books about famous legal trials including The Trial of Dan White, The Pentagon Papers Trial and The Trial of Inez Garcia. He has also authored the Gold Fever trilogy about the problems faced by immigrants during California’s Gold Rush years from 1851-1860. He lives and writes in Berkeley, California. See his web site at


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