Paintings by Karl J. Kuerner

Text by Bruce E. Mowday

Hardback: $34.99 / ISBN-13: 978-1-58790-482-0 / 100 pages / 8” x 10”/ llustrated / Color

Painting / History


In a series of historic vignettes combined with contemporary paintings renowned artist Karl J. Kuerner and award-winning writer Bruce E. Mowday explore the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg in a way never before depicted. For Karl, the spirit of art has spurred him to create a series of paintings that are peaceful and tranquil despite the death and destruction that took place here. Also, there are tears for those who sacrificed so much. For Bruce, he calls upon his years of Civil War historical research to recount some of the heroic deeds of the conflict that threatened the very existence of the United States of America. Ten of thousands of soldiers. . . .  Ten of thousands of emotional stories each with a life of its own. So many stories will never be told, lost along with those who sacrificed their lives at Gettysburg during three days of July in 1863. What took place in Gettysburg, documented or not, forever will have profound meaning for Americans, a soul and a spirit.



Karl Kuerner is the grandson of two subjects, Karl and Anna Kuerner, of internationally acclaimed artist Andrew Wyeth. Karl studied under Carolyn Wyeth, Andrew’s sister, as a young artist and exhibited his first show in 1977 alongside Carolyn and her own paintings. He was also mentored by her brother, Andrew, and has documented his experiences of working with the Wyeths in an upcoming book, Beyond  The Art Spirit. Karl’s artwork has been exhibited in Belgium, Nigeria, and Togo through the “Arts in Embassies” program, as well as at the Brandywine River Museum and Berman Museum at Ursinus College. Karl exhibited his Places to Go, Things to See series at West Chester University where he received an Honorary Doctorate in Public Service. Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art, Nebraska, plans to feature Karl’s creations in 2020. Karl has published three children’s books following the adventures of his cat “Ike” and All In A Day’s Work, an autobiographical look into his life and artwork with the writings of Gene Logsdon. Karl has been featured in many books and publications, recently appearing in PBS’s American Masters Series documentary Wyeth. A well respected teacher of 38 years, Karl has carried the “Art Spirit” throughout his time. Artist Robert Henri and his philosophy on living the creative life have nurtured and inspired Karl’s own art and that of his students. He was born in 1957 on January 12th to Margaret and Karl Kuerner Jr. Karl resides with artist Shay Aubrey Allen and their animals in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Visit karljkuerner.com to explore Karl’s paintings, books, news and more.



Bruce E. Mowday is an award-winning author and newspaper reporter. Emotional Gettysburg is his third book on the epic Civil War battle of Gettysburg. His other Gettysburg books are Pickett’s Charge: The Untold Story and J. Howard Wert’s Gettysburg. A fourth Civil War book written by Bruce is Unlikely Allies: Fort Delaware’s Prison Community in the Civil War. The Congress of Civil War Round Tables has named Bruce a “5-Star” speaker. Civil War Monitor magazine published an article by Bruce on Gettysburg. He has contributed to a variety of magazines and was editor and co-founder of a business magazine. In all, he has had published 21 books on history, sports, business and true crime. Bruce has appeared on the Discovery ID channel, ReelZ network, C-SPAN, the Pennsylvania Cable Network, Hollywood and Beyond, Whatcha Got, Journey into the Civil War, Chronicles of the American Civil War and other television shows. He has hosted his own radio shows and is a frequent speaker at various civic and historical groups. Bruce served as chairman of the Chester County Historical Society and president of the Brandywine Battlefield Park Associates. He is a former board member of the Valley Forge Park Alliance and the Chester County Conference and Visitors Bureau. For more information on Bruce and his books, see www.mowday.com.



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