ENLIGHTEN THE F^CK UP A Telempathic Healer’s Lessons, Resources & Weird Stories

by Carina Cariñosa

hardback / $50.00 / 978-1-58790-491-2 / 244 pages /8.5" x 11" 

Psychology / Spirituality / Personal Growth


Carina bares her soul on many taboo subjects designed to challenge your shadow and help you face those darkest and most suppressed skeletons with surefooted grace through her own crazy and amazing journey.  This book helps you traverse the ego, introduces you to the science of spirituality, provides tons of resources, and shows you how to truly surrender your fears and resistance so that you can manifest exactly what is wanted.  You can be infinitely magically powerful beyond your wildest dreams. Enlighten The F^ck Up! shows you how.  


Carina Cariñosa is a Gen X telepathic empath Starseed indigo healer who has achieved the highest levels of enlightenment by surrendering the darkest resistance to Source over and over again. Frankly, it’s quite a bi-polar looking process. Carina is combining the metaphysical and quantum physical healing arts of telepathic distance Reiki, song & sound healing, dance, spirit science, surrender ceremonies, lectures, guided meditations, enlightenment integrations, shamanic chakra balancing, prayer, nutrition, detox and bodywork, past life regression, DNA activations, reading of Akashic Records, breaking attachments (including entities and dark forces), and downloading programs for abundance, clarity of purpose, love, and joy. 

She’s here to help you manifest exactly what is wanted in a very powerful way. 

Like you, Carina has been through it all and shares her experience of pivoting out of resistance into a world of abundance and 5th-dimensional understanding through very hard earned lessons. She prays you’ll learn from her mistakes and use the techniques so that your life progresses with far greater ease and grace than her own. By integrating the concepts from this book, you are contributing to the expansion of human consciousness all around the planet. Everything you’re about to read is true and sincere. Please, help this content go viral and visit us at https://CarinaCarinosaStore.Guru 


