by Steve Zolno

paperback /  $18.00 / isbn: 978-1-58790-562-9 /  110 pages / 5” x 8”

e-book / $9.95 / isbn: 978-1-58790-563-6

Religion / Psychology / Self Help


The human condition is one of perpetually seeking fulfillment. There is a constant and continual hole we try to fill with what we believe is missing, whether it be a relationship, a career, a new possession, knowledge, or interaction with a force beyond us. Our lives seem to be lacking what we really want most of the time, but we only are vaguely aware of what that might be.

Because we chronically see our lives as unfulfilled, the question we perpetually ask is not if anything is missing, but what is missing. Our spiritual practice or religion provides limited answers. But we think that if we only have the right experience – spiritual or other – we will be fulfilled.

When we find our lives lacking it is because at some level we believe we miss the connections we once knew. Even if we think our life is essentially material – based on obtaining possessions or winning at competition – we still desire the feeling that comes from the recognition of others. In this book we explore a variety of religious and non-religious paths. Then we examine what we might do – if anything – to bring about the lasting state of inner peace we seek.



Steve Zolno has been leading groups in spirituality for over forty years. He has a BA from Shimer College and an MA in Educational Psychology from Sonoma State University. This is his fourth book.



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